Windows Embedded 8.1 Retail

Experience Intelligent Systems for Retail and Hospitality

Connected customers. Connected enterprise. Smart business.

Common Perceptions About Linux vs. Windows Embedded

Linux Perception Windows Embedded Benefit
Microsoft solutions are too complex. Windows Embedded solutions for retail often require less customization to integrate with your existing infrastructure, helping to reduce complexity and improve time-to-market.
Open source software is more secure. Microsoft works closely with device manufacturers to improve security for retail devices worldwide.
Open source solutions are more cost-effective. Windows Embedded solutions can be easier to deploy, secure, manage, and update, helping lower the total cost of ownership.
The Linux community makes it easy to find support for Linux embedded solutions. With no single vendor responsible for Linux distributions, future support is uncertain and reliant on a fragmented ecosystem.

Common Perceptions About Apple vs. Windows Embedded

Apple Perception Windows Embedded Benefit
Apple devices deliver a superior user experience. What makes a great experience for consumers may not work for enterprise organizations, especially in challenging retail environments.
Microsoft is not innovative. Microsoft solutions are designed for the needs of the retail industry, with enterprise-grade features and capabilities that can help improve manageability, security, and long-term compatibility.
Apple gives me access to more apps. Publicly available apps for consumer devices may not meet the same security requirements

Common Perceptions About Android vs. Windows Embedded

Android Perception Windows Embedded Benefit
Google is more innovative than Microsoft. Microsoft has a 15-year history of innovation in the retail embedded device space, and provides a customized enterprise-grade device specifically suited for the retail industry.
If I use Android, I get to use apps on my devices. Publicly available applications for consumer devices may not meet the same security requirements or enterprise service levels as purpose-built apps and services.
Microsoft solutions are too complex. Windows Embedded solutions for retail often require less customization to integrate with your existing infrastructure, helping to reduce complexity and improve time-to-market.
Open source software is more secure. Microsoft works closely with device manufacturers to help improve security for retail devices worldwide.
Android is supported by Google, so I can trust that it will be around and supported for a long time. Google does not have any focus on mobile and embedded retail solutions, leaving future support uncertain.
Solutions using open source software are more cost-effective. Windows Embedded solutions can be easier to deploy, secure, manage, and update, helping to lower the total cost of ownership.
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